AI Workers and Steering Assist in FS25: Explanation of settings
Tired of working in the fields yourself? Hire an AI worker to do all the work for you! Or use the new Steering Assist feature to simplify your fieldwork in Farming Simulator 25.
In the new part of the game, the developers have significantly improved and redesigned the capabilities of hired workers, as well as added a built-in GPS system for machinery.
Let’s explore the new automation features that simplify routine processes in FS25.
How to Hire an AI Worker
To hire an AI worker, you must be inside the vehicle, whether it’s a tractor or a harvester. Drive up to the field and press the H key — this will immediately make the AI worker start the job. However, this quick automation can be inefficient, as the worker may not perform optimally without proper setup. So, you’ll need to hold down H to open the settings.
This will open the settings window, where you can fine-tune the worker’s behavior for a more responsible job performance.
Here are the AI worker parameters you can adjust:
Working Width: This is the first parameter. It’s set automatically, but if you have multiple tools attached to the machine, adjusting this can help avoid overlaps.
Number of Headlands: Specifies the number of route lines used for turning the equipment. This parameter is also usually set automatically to match the machine’s width. If you notice the worker is missing areas, adjusting the headland count can improve efficiency, especially for large machines.
Work the Headlands: When enabled, the worker starts from the field edges. This creates headland space and will reduce yield damage. If you are using fairly maneuverable equipment, enabling this feature may not be appropriate.
Start With: This option allows you to set the order of field operations. For example, when harvesting, the worker can handle the headlands first, leaving the main area free for easier movement.
Skip Lines. Gives the worker the ability to leave more space between passes. This will give more freedom for additional equipment and allow the equipment to maneuver better on the field, cultivating it more efficiently.
Be sure to experiment with AI worker settings. Effective settings vary depending on the equipment and task. It’s a good idea to test them on an empty field to avoid crop loss due to unsuccessful configurations.
Assisted Steering Settings
Let’s continue our guide and move on to another useful feature — Steering Assist.
This advanced GPS navigation system creates routes and sets directions for machinery. If you’d rather avoid hiring AI workers because of the cost or want more control, this navigation system is a great alternative.
The Steering Assist settings menu in Farming Simulator 25 is located in the same window. Start by holding the H key to open it, then go to the "Steering Assist" tab.
In the screenshot below, you can see the settings menu for creating routes for agricultural machinery.
While similar to the AI system, it has some unique options, so let’s go over each setting in detail.
Working Width: This has the same function as it does for hired workers and is set automatically.
Number of Headlands: Similarly, this specifies the number of route lines used for turning.
Work Direction: A unique parameter for GPS. It’s set in degrees and allows you to change the work direction.
Side Offset: Lateral offset is useful if you’re using offset equipment, like some mowers or balers that operate slightly to the side of the tractor. This helps adjust the route so the tool covers the desired area of the field.
Show Lines: Enables or disables 3D guidance lines on the field, indicating the route for the equipment.
Note that this system only sets routes for the machinery. You’ll still need to drive it manually, so it simplifies the work but doesn’t do everything for you.
You can monitor the entire process along these lines, regardless of the selected work mode. Also, pay attention to the HUD menu in the upper right corner. It contains valuable information on managing AI workers and GPS, as well as their current status.
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