by Guest
6 years ago
4/5, 17 votes



About Mod

Game FS 17
Category Maps
Downloads 5778
Created 6 years ago


lucas (Guest)
3 months ago

Bardzo Å‚adna mapa i dopracowana.

99David (Guest)
6 years ago
Coldspurx (Guest)
6 years ago
This is such a GREAT MAP! I just LOVE all the Details you have put into it and with all of the many different industries you can buy, this map has great long lasting playability! Was a bit tricky to get it to work at first with all my favourite mods but now when I got it working I couldnt have enjoyed it more! THANK YOU so much for sharing this great map with the community! keep up the great work and know that you have created and awesome map! best regards from Sweden.
6 years ago
Hiya 99David, I can' use Giants Editor, because I use a iMac, which as you probably know is not compatible with it. Only kidding about the Mud although am not keen on it. Was wondering about how the maps ride seems very bumpy, the wheels on the vehicles look as though they are slightly under the surface of the ground, and look flat most of the time! Have checked the same vehicles on another map! they look totally inflated, and the ride is very smooth, Have you any idea's?? Only tractor that rides smooth is the Tracked Massey Ferguson! Regards Antone65
6 years ago
Hi Antone65, Sorry but there is not option to turn off Mud mod. You have to remove only via Giants Editor. 1) Unpack zip according to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31FqgJKTldE 2) Open Giants editor and remove mud according to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzF_PEhbPVI&feature=youtu.be&t=36m55s 3) Re-pack zip Thank you all for for good feedbacks
blokiesguild_uk (Guest)
6 years ago
hi 99David (Guest) awesome map .I cant fault it ,its very detailed .10/10
6 years ago
Oh, one last thing, downloaded the map in under 5 minutes, Great!!
6 years ago
Hiya 99David, Great map, soil texture best I've ever seen, also great idea with the trees and bushes!!! What's with the MUD Mod, YUK, can' you get rid of it, spoils the game, not very realistic to have mud when your into full harvest. Can you not give us an option to turn it off!! Dynamic sky is wonderful!! The map seems a bit bumpy, especially going over the ploughing, be loads better smoother, The machines tyres seem a little flat!! All in all great map, very enjoyable. Best regards Antone65
Antone65 (Guest)
6 years ago
Great map, How do you purchase stuff, Factories and thing's, how do you work out the price of things??????????
Yaz (Guest)
6 years ago
Świetna mapa, nie spodziewałem się że na tak małej mapie można tyle fajnych modów zainstalować. Kupowanie to świetna motywacja w FS . Trochę za dobre sprzęty na start dałeś , więcej trudności by się przydało jakiś stary ciągnik no dwa i kilka starych maszyn. Pomysł naprawdę extra. Wszystkim polecam mapkę , w podobnym stylu mapa The Valley The old Farm . Też wiele fajnych pomysłów. Czekam na mapę gdzie na start mamy tylko kasę na zakup farmy z lichymi maszynami , to będzie wyzwanie.
6 years ago
I tried to download the map from mega.nz from one computer via Chrome and from second computer via Firefox. Both downloads were successful. I have 25 Mbps and it took 11 minutes.
bullshit download sites (Guest)
6 years ago
come on... what kind of ridiculous CRAP is this? I'd love to try this map... but waiting literally HOURS to download.. and then undoubtedly fail towards the end. pure shit. DIRECT DOWNLOAD FROM HERE. Someone needs to download this map and re-upload it HERE so that we can all enjoy it. (I'll do it if it completes download successfully) Otherwise, it's a complete waste of time we would all rather put somewhere else.
I bims (Guest)
6 years ago
Sehr, sehr schöne Karte, läuft fehlerfrei und sehr stabil. @Major, lern Du erstmal die deutsche Rechtschreibung!
Mod issue (Guest)
6 years ago
Is there a known mod conflict? I seem to have to have one. I know a few I have that get turned off other then that I use mostly modded tractors and implements. I can go with no mods but that isn' fun lol.

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