There was a lot to do about this map, but its out now. You can download it from the website
There is also a contest on the site where you can win a code for FS19
See website for more details.
Maverick74 Joran: ideas and wishes (without him this map wouldn’t be made)-Luca : the website brain and tester-Bruce Smith : made the guide for the map-Ronny Sell: testing-Billy_boyd42 : testing-Neale green: testing-Farmer Klein: Youtube introduction-Nick the Hick: Youtube introduction-Rudeman53: Youtube introductionThe specials:Tielbeke Transport en WarehousingFly and FoodDe Koperen HoogteBiesebosch TruckwashBGS Niedersachsen GmbHProfis am Werk GmbHVan der Vlist Transportgroup Credits: where I learned from get mods from and such -bdbssb (mods and help)-shywizard ( mods and help)-farmer Andy (mods)-gtx Andy(mods)-kevink98 (scripts)-igor29381 (script for the trailer and some buildings)-blacksheep – rc-devil (scripts)-jolydodger (utility van)And a big thank you to all modders of buildings and stuffWithout all these people I couldn’t build a map.RESPECT!!!
2022.10.09 = Q? Where can I find necessary mods, downloaded v1 = no default trucks, sower etc, etc. Downloaded ver FINAL = same result, NEEED curtain trailer for the pallets and such..... tried al links, googled etc, etc........................ any tips ?