John Deere 6810

22.95 MB
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6 years ago
4/5, 7 votes


About Mod

Game FS 17
Category Tractors
Downloads 1468
Created 6 years ago


Site Moderator (Guest)
6 years ago
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Alfonsito (Guest)
6 years ago
I love America. Dude forget them! Great MOD!!!
tribeticus (Guest)
6 years ago
Gotta love the generalizations about America. The country with the longest active constitution, the country that has such a huge diversity. Very ignorant remarks here, I get what "the dude" is saying. I guess you guys have not watched the Big you don' get the name. I understand you dude. The guy doesn' like generalizations about his country and he doesn' like Trump, like soooooo many more people. Just play the game guys, come on leave the US alone, lots of idiots in other countries, and read your history, a lot of really bad people came from other countries too...and America does a lot for this world despite the bad rap we get. Have some compassion, we have compassion for you.
dude (Guest)
6 years ago
Fine by me I speak Spanish & German also. We will save you no matter what language we speak. Arrogant Europeans! Or should I not judge a whole continent by the arrogant remarks of you few??? I don' care if you think I sound educated. I am on this site to have fun with a game I like, and I take offense, as do many others, to having to deal with snarky remarks about Americans over a stupid tractor in a video game. You cannot blame a whole country for the mistakes of those who made the mistake of voting for our idiot President. And how that means we are all sad and care about large tractors is just beyond me, we are not just a bunch of fools running around driving muscle cars and wanting huge tractors. It is just a stupid comment. So I think I am justified to tell that guy to screw off. And maybe some of you should back me up. My parents are in Europe right now, and my brother lives in Paris with his family. Maybe life is more complicated than you think.
Calm it down (Guest)
6 years ago
Using abusive language like that clearly shows how well educated you are and the term 'dude' isn' doing you any favours either. Don' forget what language you Amercans speak the next time remind us how you saved Europe! Britain put your ancestors there, if it weren' for Britain America might be speaking Spanish French or Portuguese
dude (Guest)
6 years ago
Where are your facts that American people vote no to smaller tractors? This tractor is an American tractor, too, dumbass. There are a huge amount of Americans with smaller tractors, not all American farms are this huge expanse of fields. There are plenty of smaller farms, jackass.
FarmHand (Guest)
6 years ago
Because the sad people that vote no are American people who think that all farming equipment should be brand new and all tractors atleast 300 horsepower....Wake up guys they're no 1000 hectare fields in Europe
1happyJDfan (Guest)
6 years ago
My new number one tractor. I can' understand why people give this the tumbs down, when its got the actual sound of the real tractor. Fantastic job making this mod
New2farming (Guest)
6 years ago
Nice tractor, well done 😃
EireFarmer (Guest)
6 years ago
Yes finally the front linkage is in the correct position! ! Thank you

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