Empty Pallets Production v
Latest Update
- production Revamped: now you can use either boards (base game) either planks or wood beams (Platinum DLC); the DLC is no longher mandatory.
- fixed the pallets, thanks to [PolyCount]Taz; now have correct collision and weight, also is a fix for the conflict with the buyable ones, because the game got confused and produced infinite pallets. Updates coming to all the productions that have buyable pallets; will update the pack too, but later, because I am adding new things to it.
- added wood beam and planks fillType to avoid errors in log when playing without Platinum DLC.
- Sorry for missing links; was a mistake made by me and a misunderstanding with Kingmods; they were not supposed to be released this way...
Empty Pallets Production
The carpenter can now also produce empty pallets.
These can then be used for further productions or sold directly at the carpentry.
The production times and yields are based on the standard productions. Empty Pallets can be sold directly in the production or in the additional sales point.
Price Production: 60,000 $
4 wood -> 40 empty pallets + 1.4 wood chips
5 boards -> 60 empty pallets + 1.1 wood chips
Price sales point: 1.000 $
Download Latest Version Files
Version: v 1 year ago
Total Size: 367.02 KB FS22_EmptyPalletsProd_modland.zip direct download · 367.02 KB · added 1 year ago