"Fixing" mods


Many Modders dont really care about the handling of their mods, which is kinda dissapointing when you in the worst case pay for the mod. I found a mod on the Beamng Forum years ago called "Vehicle Global Strength, Weight, Size and Other Values Edit"  ( https://www.beamng.com/resources/vehicle-global-strength-weight-size-and-other-values-edit-works-for-mods.14868/ ) which is amazing.

why i created this Forum Post? i want you people to tell me any mods you want to get fixed (only handling, im not experienced with jbeam and allat) and I will try my best to come to as close as possible to real life. I actually posted my first ever Fix here on Modland already ( https://www.modland.net/beamng.drive-mods/cars/read-description-more-realistic-preset-for-phaiens-mercedes-amg-gt63-coupe-24.html ) and i think it turned out pretty good. so just drop the car name and author (a link would be the best) and ill try my best.

I'd love to see a better handling at TwoTwonines hennessey venom f5 

If u already have it its good and if u dont i could give it to you per dm

Just a random guy who loves Koenigsegg 

@Idontlikeleakedmods yea i already have the mod. I could try to do it but im not sure if I manage to find the gear ratio on the internet, so i may just change the hp and nm. the Hennessey F5 also has crazy hp & nm stats so i think it'll be hard to get the exact numbers but i'll try my best. do you want me to change the handling of the base model or on a different configuration? otherwise i would just do the base version and if you would want any of the others like the revolution edition for example you would need to change all the parts that are different/new manually except the engine.

It has rediculous traction loss lol

@LoganPlayz2007 well it does have almost 2000hp, but i'll try to get the traction up

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