Toyota Landcruiser 60 series and 75 Series (Single Cab and Troopy).


It would be great to have these cars in beam ng. It would also be great if we could chop the 60 series and put a tray or canopy on it. Also able to put a canopy on the 75 series. The decked out look with all the bells and whistles is sick but i reckon a version that is mean to be the "farm ute" would be desired. This would be bloody awesome and even better if it was free. I know its a lot to ask but these rigs are very common here in australia yet i dont see any of them on beam ng. Attached is a folder with some photos of the cars and designs of the cars that im lookin for. Cheers fellas, Droughtmasters QLD.

last edited by Droughtmasters QLD , 5 months ago

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