Realistic driving v.1.26.3

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7 years ago
5/5, 2 votes


About Mod

Latest Version v.1.26.3
Game ETS 2
Category Parts & Tuning
Game Version 1.26.x
Downloads 1845
Created 7 years ago


robert (Guest)
7 years ago
Super mod super good now game is more interesting and fun. Turning angle of front wheels was to small before know is perfect.Breaks are very big problem because they are to week.Before 3 months a was on are trip and see how much trucks breaks are powerfull.Truck was forced to break and both trucks tires and trailer tires all blockt, blacke mark was on asphalt.In the game breaks are to week and can t block.Too bad because game looses her charm and woud be more fun.One more thing when you stopped beside the road on grass or eart and when you want start truck have 2 axles back 8 tires but just one axle rotate second axle nothing like she is not hookt up on transmission that first axle is rotating very poorly dosen t matter how much you press gas pedal trucks tires rotate same speed and truck has no power to pull out anything.Truck which i was driving in game MAZ 6422 have 412 horse power i stopped beside the road on grass there was elevated ground just little and truck coudn t move.Disappointing.When truck has to pull something and if is to heavy or stuck somewhere, 8 tires or 4 depends how many truck has tires behind tires dig hole and throw stone,dirt,grass all around.It woud be fun in game that you can do all that things especially when rainning beside the roud woud be mud and if you can t move some other truck pull you.I apologize if comment is to long just a think that game with all this woud have more spirit and more appealingnes.All others things in game and there are many are superb.To all people who creates all mods compliments fantastic work.

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