Are you curious which mods are worth your time? Let me save you the trouble.


Hello Midland BeamNG Modding Community,

On a week to week basis I will be collecting a few of my favorite mods and sharing them with the community on my Channel, Including Tutorials, Honest Mod Reviews, Crash testing, I host Car meets and MUCH MORE

As a user with over 2,000 Hours in BeamNG and thousands of IRL hours behind the wheel, I have an extremely high standard for quality and won't even keep mods I deem poor in my library, Much less upload them to the Channel. 


So if you want to stay up to date with the best mods on Modland Subscribe and Watch Below ⬇️

last edited by HNDRX , 6 months ago

Mods shown in all my videos will be here!

Hyundai,_Paris_Motor_Show_2018,_Paris_(1Y7A1732)-lg_modland.jpgKann jemand dieses Farhzeug erstellen ?

do you have discord server?

is there a good s15 mod?

@adriii._00 yes but it's still not public, should be up in the next week or so. I'll update the thread with the link once it goes live

Mods shown in all my videos will be here!

@schlag looks like the Hyundai i20 N Rally1, I must say that's a very niche mod but I will keep and eye out for it bro. 

auf Deutsch - "sieht aus wie der Hyundai i20 N Rally1, ich muss sagen, das ist ein sehr Nischen-Mod, aber ich werde danach Ausschau halten, Bruder."

Mods shown in all my videos will be here!

@HNDRX YES, that is the Hyundai I20 Rally car. I would be very happy if you could do that, thank you


@nice I actually have some footage with a surprisingly good S15 mod I never put up on my channel, don't remember the reason it never made it up but here are some screenshots and the download link if you want it.

 My only critiques are it doesn't handle very well at all and because its RHD you can't get crash test dummies to drive it. probably why I scrapped my footage with it, however overall its a decent mod. working shifter as well as custom engine sounds to go with the multiple engine configs.


Mods shown in all my videos will be here!

@HNDRX thank you man i tried using the one by bobrex butu its broken and no one wants to fix it


Can u pls make a ford fiesta from 2008 or 2012?



Next time put also Yolobet mods 💀 best mods “Net Nuka Urus” Also Spooling Diesel mods, High effort mods!!!! 

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