Are you frustrated with stacking and unstacking items in Minecraft’s inventory? Try installing this mod. It solves such issues by enhancing the item management system in your inventory. Specifically, Mouse Tweaks is a mod that significantly simplifies inventory management and the crafting process in Minecraft. It introduces new mechanics for quick sorting and moving items.
Key Features:
Stacking and Unstacking Items: By holding the right mouse button, you can quickly distribute an entire stack of items across inventory slots or the crafting grid. A left mouse button click allows you to collect all blocks back into one stack.
Item Sorting: Simply dragging the mouse across the crafting grid or inventory slots lets you instantly organize or gather identical items without having to manually place each block.
Mouse Wheel Item Movement: Using the mouse wheel, you can quickly move items between inventories. Scrolling down moves items one by one from the stack, while scrolling up fills a stack from another inventory.
Settings and Configuration
Mouse Tweaks offers a highly flexible system, allowing users to customize the mod according to their preferences. Below are some commands you can use to configure specific mod functions.
RMB Tweak: This option replaces the standard right-click item dragging mechanic. If you drag over a slot multiple times with the right mouse button held, the item will be added to that slot multiple times. This setting is activated with the RMBTweak=1 parameter.
LMB Tweak with Item: This allows for quick picking up or moving of items of the same type by simply dragging them across the inventory with the left mouse button held. Activate it using the LMBTweakWithItem=1 parameter.
LMB Tweak without Item: Quickly move items to another inventory without pre-selecting them. Enable this using the LMBTweakWithoutItem=1 parameter.
Scroll Wheel: The scroll wheel allows for rapid item movement between inventories.
WheelTweak: The WheelTweak=1 parameter activates the scroll function, allowing items to be moved one at a time for each scroll of the mouse wheel. Scrolling down will move items from the current stack, while scrolling up adds items to the stack from another inventory.
WheelSearchOrder: The WheelSearchOrder parameter determines the order in which items are searched in the inventory when scrolling. A value of 1 sets the search from the last slot to the first, while a value of 0 searches from the first slot to the last.
WheelScrollDirection: This parameter (WheelScrollDirection=0) controls the scroll direction. Set the value to 1 to invert the default actions—scrolling down will add items, and scrolling up will remove them. If set to 2, the mod will consider the inventory layout: scrolling up moves items to the inventory above the current slot, and scrolling down moves them from the inventory below.
These settings give the user the ability to finely tune item movement mechanics to suit their preferences.
Installation and Compatibility:
For Minecraft versions 1.14.4 and above, you need to install Minecraft Forge or Fabric.
For versions 1.12.2 and below, Minecraft Forge or LiteLoader will work.
After installing the mod, place the Mouse Tweaks file in the mods folder in the .minecraft directory.
Mouse Tweaks is a client-side mod and fully compatible with interfaces based on GuiContainer, making it an ideal addition to various modpacks and builds.
Attention! Starting from version 1.17.1, the mod is packed in a .zip archive! The archive contains the Mouse Tweaks mod for different mod loaders—Forge, Fabric, and NeoForge. Please note that you need to unzip the archive and copy the .jar file of the mod into the .minecraft/mods folder for your installed mod loader in Minecraft!
Mouse Tweaks is a simple yet incredibly useful addition that makes crafting and inventory management in Minecraft much more convenient. You can configure everything exactly as you find comfortable. - [for Minecraft 1.21.1, 1.21 - Fabric, NeoForge, Forge] [208.68 KB] - MouseTweaks-2.13-mc1.16.1.jar [for Minecraft 1.16.1 - Forge] [56.28 KB] - MouseTweaks-2.8.1-mc1.10.2.jar [for Minecraft 1.10.2] [62.39 KB] - MouseTweaks-2.7-mc1.11.jar [for Minecraft 1.11] [55.75 KB] - MouseTweaks-2.8-mc1.11.2.jar [for Minecraft 1.11.2] [67.29 KB] - MouseTweaks-2.8-mc1.12.jar [for Minecraft 1.12] [67.18 KB] - MouseTweaks-2.8-mc1.12.1.jar [for Minecraft 1.12.1] [67.18 KB] - MouseTweaks-2.10.1-mc1.12.2.jar [for Minecraft 1.12.2] [78.64 KB] - MouseTweaks-2.13-mc1.14.4.jar [for Minecraft 1.14.4 - Forge] [56.25 KB] - MouseTweaks-2.13-mc1.15.1.jar [for Minecraft 1.15.2/1.15.1 - Forge] [56.26 KB] - MouseTweaks-2.14-mc1.16.2.jar [for Minecraft 1.16.5/1.16.4/1.16.3/1.16.2 - Forge] [56.88 KB] - [for Minecraft 1.20.6 - Fabric, NeoForge, Forge] [208.69 KB] - MouseTweaks-fabric-mc1.16.5-2.22.jar [for Minecraft 1.16.5 - Fabric] [69.95 KB] - [for Minecraft 1.17.1 - Fabric, Forge] [150.66 KB] - [for Minecraft 1.18.2/1.19.8/1.18 - Fabric, Forge] [142.19 KB] - [for Minecraft 1.19.2/1.19.1/1.19 - Fabric, Forge] [141.43 KB] - [for Minecraft 1.19.3 - Fabric, Forge] [141.61 KB] - [for Minecraft 1.19.4 - Fabric, Forge] [141.61 KB] - [for Minecraft 1.20 - Fabric, Forge] [141.83 KB] - [for Minecraft 1.20.1 - Fabric, Forge] [212.43 KB] - [for Minecraft 1.20.4/1.20.3/1.20.2 - Fabric, Forge] [212.43 KB] - MouseTweaks-2.4.4-mc1.7.10.jar [for Minecraft 1.7.10] [50.68 KB]