Timeless and Classics Zero (TaCZ) [Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.19.2, 1.18.2] v1.0.3
Latest Update
· Timeless and Classics Zero (TaCZ) [Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.19.2, 1.18.2]
4 months ago
- Support for the Controllable mod, enabling weapon control with a gamepad and button prompts (versions 1.18 and 1.19).
- New weapons: SCAR-L, HK416D, AUG rifles, P320 pistol, M320 grenade launcher, and DMR MK14, as well as standard scopes for AUG.
- Crawling feature for more stable shooting (configurable via settings).
- Three new suppressors for barrels.
- Fire modes configured for these weapons.
- New data system for modifications with numerous parameters.
- Vibration feedback when firing with a controller (for version 1.20.1).
- Backup of weapon pack files before modification.
- Block settings for explosion damage.
- NBT data for bullets, weapons, and modifications when crafting items.
- Data for recoil reduction while crawling.
- Option to hide modifications in the creative inventory.
- Weight system affecting character movement speed.
- Ability to disable FOV changes when using weapons while moving.
- Two new grip attachments.
- Plugins for ammunition.
- Ammo counter now displayed as a percentage.
- Full reload function using a single bullet.
- Craft count display on the workbench for weapons.
- New damage type control mechanism using tags (for version 1.20.1).
- Support for standard modifications (e.g., for AUG).
- Version check system.
- Horizontal recoil normalization.
- LOD model defects for the M16A1.
- Missing defaultDisplay parameter fixed.
- Weapon recipe errors fixed for versions 1.18 and 1.19.
- Block ignoring issues in melee combat resolved.
- Accuracy problems while moving fixed.
- Fixed weapon model positioning in third-person view.
- Improved compatibility with Optifine and Oculus.
- RPG7 LOD model textures fixed.
- Ender Dragon damage bugs fixed.
- Weapon switching animation in the left hand fixed.
- Dummy bullet unloading issue when switching magazines resolved.
- Weapon tooltip text limited to three lines at 300px width.
- Factory settings system for some weapons changed.
- Recoil parameters revised and adjusted.
- Explosive recoil now depends on damage and radius.
- Crouch walking animation adjusted.
- Bullet behavior under gravity improved.
- Close-range bullet damage system removed.
- Modification screen now displays shooting range.
- Fire mode now shown on the modification screen.
- Added button to collapse values on the modification screen.
- Tracer bullets now closer to the muzzle.
- Extension capability for EntityKineticBullet.
- Modifications adapted for PBR.
- Bullet penetration now uses tags instead of hard-coded parameters.
- Fire mode toggle added to the value screen.
- Multiple tags added for weapon pack integration.
Timeless and Classics Zero (TaCZ) is a mod for Minecraft that allows you to add weapons to the game. It adds a large variety of new weapons of different types. All weapons come with complex shooting and reloading animations.
You can also add your own custom weapons by editing a JSON file.
The mod works with Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.19.2, 1.18.2! It requires Forge and it is recommended to install the Cloth Config API.
nekocrane, TartaricAcid, maydaymemory, f1zeil, xjqshm, TCinder
External Download Links:
Modsfire.com - tacz-1.20.1-1.0.3-all.jar [Minecraft 1.20.1 - Forge] [27.67 MB]
Modsfire.com - tacz-1.19.2-1.0.3-all.jar [Minecraft 1.19.2 - Forge] [27.61 MB]
Modsfire.com - tacz-1.18.2-1.0.3-all.jar [Minecraft 1.18.2 - Forge] [27.61 MB]
Modsfire.com - tacz-fabric-1.20.1-1.0.2-beta.jar [Minecraft 1.20.1 - Fabric] [23.72 MB]
Modsfire.com - tacz-1.20.1-1.0.3-all.jar [Minecraft 1.20.1 - Forge] [27.67 MB]
Modsfire.com - tacz-1.19.2-1.0.3-all.jar [Minecraft 1.19.2 - Forge] [27.61 MB]
Modsfire.com - tacz-1.18.2-1.0.3-all.jar [Minecraft 1.18.2 - Forge] [27.61 MB]
Modsfire.com - tacz-fabric-1.20.1-1.0.2-beta.jar [Minecraft 1.20.1 - Fabric] [23.72 MB]
[email protected]
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