Montana Expansion 2.0 v0.4.5

2 years ago
5/5, 67 votes

Latest Update

latest Version v0.4.5 · Montana Expansion 2.0 Farm/Ranch Rebuild · ATS 1.46.x 2 years ago
v0.4.5 - Montana 2.0 
fix weigh request trigger at Troy -
add re-built sale barns @Miles City, Sidney, Glasgow, Lewistown, Billings and Missoula -
fix terrain issue at Judith Gap wind prefabs -
fix issue at Great Falls garage with switching trailers and truck being spawned partially inside wall -

v1 - Project Farm/Ranch
add silage to Quality Beef Amarillo -
add garage for Lubbock, Texas(TW) -
rebuild Sheridan Bushnell -

v0.5.5 - Models/Assets
add prefabs @QBP for silage -
add prefabs for Sheridan re-work -
add prefabs for Driver47 home20 -
add Silage as a cargo -
add re-built sale barns @ Miles City, Sidney, Glasgow, Lewistown, Billings and Missoula (all w/custom prefabs for the load/unloading) -
add prefabs for Pizz yard -
start Havre re-build -
External Download Links: - Link 1


About Mod

Latest Version v0.4.5
Game ATS
Category Maps
Game Version 1.46.x
Downloads 10389
Created 2 years ago
Last Updated 2 years ago


kat (Guest)
1 year ago

dose this one include the town of shelby?

Hide Six Zero (Guest)
2 years ago

My buddies of CW and the crew are leaving this modsite and others for good! 

PorkChop (Guest)
2 years ago

@xRECONLOBSTERx  When i add this mod and go to load into game it backs me out to a screen saying theirs something wrong with a mod and once i take this mod out i can play just fine. I had played fine on V-1.9, but anything else no. Any reason why? only other map mod is coast to coast i play with. Thanks!!!

PorkChop (Guest)
2 years ago

@xRECONLOBSTERx v0.2.3.5 i am using/ wont work for me, but if i use 1.9 it works perfectly and i absolutey love it. And ill try and get rid of C2C and see if it works then. Thank you very much and great mod!!!


@PorkChop Are you using v0.2.2 or v0.2.3.5? v0.2.2 is for 1.45, and v0.2.3.5 is for the 1.46beta. Also I dont think there is a road connection to C2C so that might be a problem? 

2 years ago

@xRECONLOBSTERx  I was thinking the other night, the only reason I tend to buy more than one garage in a state is because they only have 5 slots, even in a big garage, there is nothing stopping someone putting more than one garage in the same locality is there ? you could have 4x garages on the same site giving the option of 20 slots etc ? Would be great in a site like the new one at Billings ?

Sandy (Guest)
2 years ago

@Phantom_Mark And yet, you dont even need more than three garages TOTAL in the entire game to have plenty of money and i dont see why you are going to want to drive more than five or six trucks in ATS. ETS2 is a completely different matter. The only reason to buy garages in this game, like many other mechanics is for collection purposes. But its usefulness is completely ridiculous.

2 years ago

@Not possible but what is possible is to have several garages in close proximity as long as the names are slightly different, for example Salford_A, Salford_B, Salford_C etc etc, the issue I had when experimenting was stopping the city name text clipping over each of them to actually make them selectable properly. In the end it proved to be a non issue anyway tbh, as the issue is largely not an issue as long as you remember to set your homebase properly.  It was worth a cheeky experiment none the less :D

Not possible (Guest)
2 years ago

@Phantom_Mark You can have one garage per city, as per game limitations.

2 years ago

@xRECONLOBSTERx I am looking at dipping my hands into the editor here, if you might like a hand once I get a grip of it properly ???  I really enjoy the details as well as the actual driving stuff. 


@Phantom_Mark I will give it a shot, I know it can be done if you give each one its own identifier, but I will mess with it and see if they all work on same city identifier. 

dude (Guest)
2 years ago

is this stand alone or do i need to have the original Montana map you made


@dude standalone

2 years ago

Literally been driving in Montana exclusively since I discovered this addon, love it, look forward to more, thanks for your efforts.


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