Kenworth K100-E v 0.96 [1.35]

34.9 MB
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4 years ago
3/5, 15 votes


About Mod

Game ATS
Category Trucks
Game Version 1.35.x
Downloads 2772
Created 4 years ago


4 years ago
I just stated that Kenworth does own the rights and people can' profit from their work. It's just wrong to do. And I'm being accused of doing drugs, and now people are making fun of my name? I think I'm done with this website. This community is toxic.
To the Dumbass (Guest)
4 years ago
Do your research before insulting someone. The definition is exactly what is described not making it or not. Look into to trademark laws and copy writes before you say something. I was stating the facts that everyone seems to get wrong. Yes there is a difference but by the letter of the law there isn'. If a designer can get in trouble for using a color without permission it can happen. What is being said is that all the pay mods are making it harder for SCS to get more brands to sign on. Yeah you are right cant fix stupid. I have 3 college degrees and one is in Aeronautics and one is in Graphic Design and I had a copywrite law class and they covered that stuff. So yes I do know what I am talking about when it comes to the Laws of Intellectual Property which this falls under. I hate when someone spreads false or misleading statements that are obviously above their education level. Maybe you should stop sniffing glue
To Argus (Guest)
4 years ago
Unless you work for SCS you have no right to the rights they were granted from Paccar. Besides Paccar only allowed SCS to use to W900 and T680 as well as the 389 and 579. Nothing else, so unless you can get your shit right i think that covers the lesson on what was granted in the rights. it has been discussed on the forum on SCS's site. Paccar gave SCS the permission to use the trademark and identify those models only. So yes modders can get in trouble for making mods without the permission of the trademark holder. It has happened before John Deere went after a bunch of modders a few years back. But in any case I can assure you Kenworth did not sell away the rights to the name or those trucks, they granted use of the trademark and likeness. Before you comment you may want to read the forums first you would probably become informed on the process. Word on the forum is we may be getting a new truck soon, unfortunately looks like the Lonestar will win out. No Freightliner, unfortunate...
Argus (Guest)
4 years ago
Jolley, you are completely clueless. So, right, anyone who made a mod since five years ago actually STOLE rights from Kenworth.. wtf you talking about? are you on drugs? Kenworth gave the rights to SCS, and not a single person who make a mod is stealing anything from Kenworth, because they are only making a model based on the original truck, thats all it is. In any case they should ask permission to SCS, who has kenworth rights, not to kenworth emselves. And again, anyone can design a model exactly looking like a real kenworth truck and he wont be stealing anything at all, wtf you talking about? lol, dude stop taking drugs.. seriously :p
Just for clarification... (Guest)
4 years ago
Here is the definition of what is protected by the "Kenworth" name as per the law. Intellectual property law exists in order to protect the creators and covers areas of copyright, trademark law, and patents. Thus, intellectual property is an umbrella term encompassing both copyright and industrial property, such as trademarks, patents, and inventions.
4 years ago
Jolley knows a thing or two. Great point right there. lol.
4 years ago
I would like to state that no one owns anything in this mod. All rights go to Kenworth... If anything whoever made this mod stole it from Kenworth themselves. I'm also sure it was used without permission from the company. So yeah stfu about mod stealing. lol
Argus (Guest)
4 years ago
OhBoy sorry but putting a mod in the steam workshop alone is just moronic and not a single modder should do that. Steam workshop is trash, as simple as that. You think you get trash from these sites?? you also get trash from the steam workshop. It doesnt mean anything at all. Steam workshop is a crappy site to download mods, and the only advantaje it has is that the mos are supossedly updated and you dont need to "worry" about it (the truth is completely different though lol.). But sorry, everyting steam does is garbage, including the workshop.
Sandy (Guest)
4 years ago
no dude, nobody "steals" anything, you need to learn what means stealing a mod. Uploading mods to one site doesnt mean stealing. Please stop with it. Nobody likes this guy mods82 or whatever to upload everything he gets, but that doesnt mean he is actually stealing mods because he is not a modder and he does not modify anything from the mods he uploads. This is getting too old already.
Only stuff I download from here is Jazzycat mods. (Guest)
4 years ago
gdore. This site steals mods and than he acts like he did something great when in reality he obviously is a wannabe modder. lol. Always try and download from SCS Software Forums. That way you know you are getting the true mod
4 years ago
why is this site flooded with one user, and half the time the mods do not work and crash the computer ?
OhBoy (Guest)
4 years ago
Oh great someone broke another good modder's work by hacking it off steam. Thanks again
Corey Weaver (Guest)
4 years ago
You stole Boras photo. Lmao Freddy you are such a tool!!!

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