Realistic Brutal Weather ATS v7.9

4 years ago

Latest Update

latest Version v7.9 · ATS 1.53.x 21 hours ago
✔ General Climate Tweaks
✔ Added New Or Replace Skies Day & Night
✔ Added New Or Replaced Skies Rain Or Dry Weather
✔ Rework Reflection Water, Rain, Asphalt, Roads, Environment
✔ Improved Rain Intensity
✔ Replaced Alot Of Skies With Higher Resolutions
✔ Tweaks Cloud Shadows
✔ Improved Fog
✔ Fog Tweaks
✔ Improved Rain
✔ Improved Rain Drops in Windshield
✔ Rework Lightning Intensity
✔ Improved Lightning
External Download Links: - Link 1

About Mod

Latest Version v7.9
Game ATS
Category Other
Game Version 1.53.x
Downloads 54726
Created 4 years ago
Last Updated 21 hours ago


Anth (Guest)
6 months ago

Not sure if its a bug but since the new update it showing ETS loading icon instead of ATS on loading screens.


The fog Is waaaaay to dense. Cant drive in it. other then that great mod


7 months ago

@Sticks#4920 directory for mod

why (Guest)
1 year ago

why does it ask for a disk2 when trying to extract the scs file?

joker (Guest)
2 years ago

its a crappy mod. Default exposure is just unrealistic and just a pain to look at. The paid weather mod out there is the real deal this just sucks  

Sandy (Guest)
2 years ago

If what bothers you is the exposure (that honestly i dont have a clue what you talking about, vanilla exposure is even worst but i guess words are cheap) use reshade or others methods to improve the image, like most smart players do. And no, there are no better mods than this one out there. JBX is not a mod, and png is better, yes but very inconsistent. So, whats left? .. thats right.

George (Guest)
2 years ago

@joker With paid mod you mean png (that needs constant updates to actually work properly)? because jbx is just trash (its not even a mod just a reshade preset anyone can get in five minutes) and people who actually pay for that is completely braindead. The fact that this is the only graphic mod we have for ets2 and ATS should be enough to give it a lot of credit. The only problem with this mod is a) sometimes the stars and the moon look completely awful. b) transitions between day and night specially in ATS are way too fast and completely unrealistic. 

If you dont take in considerations those points, this mod is pretty "good" (because we dont have anything else except png to compare it with).

chris (Guest)
3 years ago
Jesus How Big Is This Mod
stormforce (Guest)
3 years ago
Would it be possible to do some optimisation on this mod to reduce the file size?
Big T (Guest)
3 years ago
Hey folks, I don't understand tearing up a modder who is providing what I think is a great mod at no charge. It's adds a significant amount of realism to the sim. If you don't like it don't use it, don't leave nasty comments to people providing free services. A little respect please. Suggestions can be given without being rude.
Rob (Guest)
1 year ago

@MrJonesNZ All mods should be free? I think by you saying all mods should be free makes you the broke one.


"All mods SHOULD BE FREE" sounds like something a broke b!tch would say 

Charly (Guest)
2 years ago

@Big T After one year of my original comment, this mod has improved vastly. There are still some issues with stars, moon, day transitions and such but its getting there.

Charly (Guest)
3 years ago
@Reality Check You dont need to actually make any mods to understand how a mod works, what is the developer console (to check for errors and problems) and other things. Realizing when a mod is unpolished as hell is really easy, but if you dont even know this, why i even bother to answer you lol.
Reality Check (Guest)
3 years ago
@Charly, please share your mods that you have created with the rest of us! Since you are so knowledgeable and critique other people's mods with such detail surely you have some awesome mods that are perfect and free of any flaws. Unless, of course, you just spend your time critizing others with nothing to back it up. In that case shut up.
Charly (Guest)
3 years ago
This mod is garbage. As simple as that. But kids nowadays love playing with fancy things even if it breaks the immersion of the game completely. Terrible transitions between day and night, bad skyboxes, weird lightning issues, etc, etc. Yup it is a great mod. ****1n idiots. lol. And the author always refused to "fix" many things that in his opinion, "are completely fine". And, no charge? what are you, an idiot? All mods SHOULD BE FREE. If you want to donate, you are welcome. But people who makes mods with the only purpose of selling it should go away. Its people like you supporting crappy modders the ones crippling down the modding community.
Slick Willy (Guest)
4 years ago
Id give half a buffalo for what tantalus is smoking. Boy Howdy is he angry !!
@tantalus (Guest)
3 years ago
BRUH, you must REALLY love smoking Freddy's little shrimp and letting him do his best at shoving that little thing right up your barbee, eh bruh?!?GET LOST !!
tantalus (Guest)
3 years ago
Maybe you should smoke it too. Better yet, buy a brain for yourself before that, or you wont feel it at all.
Charly (Guest)
4 years ago
Did you finally at least remove the moon skyboxes and fixed that weird lightning problem at sunset??? its one of the main reasons i just cant use this mod. And you keep ignoring these two big issues. I wonder why people even bother to use this mod. They keep supporting bad mooders all the time.
4 years ago
Please dude, either you remove those ugly half-moon skyboxes, or do something about it. Its completely breaking my immersion!!!

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