Cyber Engine Tweaks (Performance Overhaul) 1.11.1

2.01 MB
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3 years ago
5/5, 7 votes


latest Version 1.11.1 3 years ago
Updates for 1.11.1:


  • API changes to support Imgui 1.81 and added missing ColorButton overloads.

  • Override has now 2 overloads to simplify usage, this will completely remove the original function or add one if it doesn't exist:

    • Override(typeName, fullFunctionName, shortFunctionName, function)

    • Override(typeName, functionName, function) - both full and short names are set to functionName

  • Observe has now 2 overloads to simplify usage, this will not remove the original function but will add one if it doesn't exist:

    • Observe(typeName, fullFunctionName, shortFunctionName, function)

    • Observe(typeName, functionName, function) - both full and short names are set to functionName


  • Fixed Override so that it can override at runtime after scripts have been loaded.

  • Revert Lua caching of functions as the new override method will work regardless.

Updates for 1.9.2:
Updates for 1.3.0:
Added Lua support:Game.AddToInventory("Items.Jacket_03_old_04", 1)
Updates for 1.2.0:
Some patches will mark as failed, this is the expected behavior since they fixed it themselves...Console now invokes scripts directly because they removed the console (worth it CDPR?)Example:PrintHealth()AddToInventory(Items.Jacket_03_old_04, 1)
Updates for 1.1.1:
Some patches will mark as failed, this is the expected behavior since they fixed it themselves... Console now invokes scripts directly because they removed the console (worth it CDPR?) Example: PrintHealth() AddToInventory (Items.Jacket_03_old_04, 1)
Updates for 1.0.2:
- The console can now be opened by pressing the END key.
By disabling antialiasing (TAA), the default option can improve performance on older hardware. This option is disabled.

This mod fixes several performance issues including the use of AMD SMT. It also fixes bugs like AVX crashes and adds fun hacks to play with (for example, debug menus).
If you are bound to GPU, you will not see any increase in performance for your average FPS, but less drops in FPS.
Updates for 0.8.1:
Apparently the pedestrians were removed in 0.8.0, fix it with this shoud. Also I moved most patches to be pattern-based which means only spectrum fix will not work if you modified your exe for some reason.

This mod fixes several performance problems, including the use of AMD SMT. It also fixes bugs like AVX crashes and adds fun hacks for playing (for example, the debug menus).
If you are bound with GPU, on your average FPS you won't see any increase in performance, but should see fewer FPS drops.
Updates for 0.7.1:
This is a breaking upgrade from the old versions.

Please delete:

plugins performance_overhaul/

Then you can unzip this in bin/x64 as usual. The config and logs are now in plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/
Updates for 0.7.0:
This is a breaking upgrade from the old versions.

Please delete:


Then you can unzip this in bin/x64 as usual.
The config and logs are now in plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/
Updates for 0.6.0:
- Remove double trampolines

About Mod

Latest Version 1.11.1
Game Cyberpunk 2077
Category Tools
Game Version 1.11
Downloads 16972
Created 3 years ago
Last Updated 3 years ago
Last Virus Scan 0/89
More Details