Santiago de Compostela v9.0

2 years ago

Latest Update

latest Version v9.0 · ETS 2 1.53.x 2 weeks ago
Corrected and adapted for version 1.53. 
used some of the new models for this release.
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About Mod

Latest Version v9.0
Game ETS 2
Category Maps
Game Version 1.53.x
Downloads 4245
Created 2 years ago
Last Updated 2 weeks ago


George (Guest)
2 years ago

"Well optimized. It works smoothly on even the least powerful computers.". Oh god, how can be still people with zero clue about why the performance problems occur???? its not about the power of your computer dude, its about the GAME ENGINE. Even with a 10 years old pc you should have more than enough to run the game smoothly as heaven. When performance problems occur, its because the game engine cant handle it, as simple as that. It creates bottlenecks with the cpu because it can only use one single core. So, a new generation PC will have the same "performance" problems that a 10 years old computer. 

Of course there are exceptions. Reasons a map mod could degrade the performance?? bad traffic assignments, missing roads, high resolution textures, too much vegetation (more than the game engine can handle), etc. But again, it wont matter what pc you have, it will be the same for everyone. . .

Why people still dont understand this, escapes me lol.

Some bad map mappers like the guy of roextended dont understand this, and they keep adding high resolution textures, high poly assests and other things. And when performance degrades, his response is "i dont care since i play at 30 fps...". 

Too much vegetation also hits the performance badly, some textures too (and map modders keep using them, go figure), bad traffic lanes basically is another big performance cause, and lastly TRAILERS. Spawning trailers all over the place (like the guy of roextended at some spots) basically murders the performance. Trailers in this game are one of the main causes of performance hit.

Anyways, your mod is great, i just wanted to point out that the typical phrase "smoothly on even the least powerful computers" is completely dumb.  I mean, unless you are playing with a 2000 pentium II lol, you should have more than enough. Until SCS decides to actually improve the game, and update the game engine, map modders need to keep an eye on all this. This is one of the reasons promods is so good, generally speaking they know how to not oversaturate the game engine.


Xangal (Guest)
2 years ago
Ola, Edsor Onte (4 de xuño, un pouco tarde porque estiven alonxado por problemas personais) descobrín o teu excelente traballo con Santiago de Compostela. Noraboa. Polo que leo nos comentarios, tamén hai cousas nas que che podería aportar a miña experiencia. Fixen un mapa completo de Galicia (incluída Santiago, por suposto) para a versión 1.18. Agora estou facendo outras partes de Galicia no DLC Iberia (Vigo, Redondela, O Porriño, Ourense, A Gudiña e Viana do Bolo), incluídas empresas galegas e anuncios nas estradas, cidades e vilas (choio por un tubo de Photoshop) e quizais che gustaría probar o meu mapa por privado (de momento, porque Vigo está sen rematar, e tamén teño Verín en construción) para cambiar experiencias, se che parece ben. Nese caso, escríbeme ao meu correo. Son Xangal e o correo é: [email protected] Un saúdo

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