Cyberpunk 2077 Mod Manager 1.1.7674-beta
Latest Update
4 years ago
Updates for 1.1.7674-beta:
Windows.Forms library for directory selection is included
Added the ability to select a custom backup path
Translations update
New settings fields have been added - (bool)_custombackup and (string)_custombackuppath
Added more bugs to fix later
Windows.Forms library for directory selection is included
Added the ability to select a custom backup path
Translations update
New settings fields have been added - (bool)_custombackup and (string)_custombackuppath
Added more bugs to fix later
My first attempt to modding (in a very basic approach). The premiere of Cyberpunk 2077 is an opportunity for me to learn something new and I decided to start with a manager. This application was written in C♯. It only uses the core libraries from Microsoft (plus LZMA, 7-ZIP and SevenZipSharp for unpacking).
Often times, good tools written by good programmers aren't pretty. That's why I, as a bad programmer, chose one of the main goals to make the manager looks nice and only later functional. Therefore, you may encounter a lot of bugs.
The application was written in .NET 5 WPF C♯ technology. It is distributed as self-contained or framework-depend. Therefore, you will find two identical files, one approximately 20MB in weight and one 100MB. Second one has all the libraries inside, thus you don't need to install anything extra.
Previously, the modding community quickly adapted the basic rules for creating mods for The Witcher 3.
So please, if you create mods and want to make things easier for me - and users, follow these tips:
- Name your main archive mod{MyName}-{v.1.0.0}.zip (rembember that source code of ZIP & 7-Zip is freely available, RAR is not)
- If your mod adds a modification, add its folder to the mods folder inside the archive root path. (start folder name with mod{MyName})
- If your mod adds a DLC, add its folder to the dlc folder inside the archive root path. (start folder name with dlc{MyName})
- If your mod adds a bin files, add its files to the bin folder inside the archive root path. (drop files directly into this folder)
- If your mod adds a content files, add its files to the content folder inside the archive root path. (drop files directly into this folder)
A little extra from me, if you want to send additional information to the manager and import all data immediately - add to the root of the archive folder file: modmanager.json
With content as below:
"name": "My Awesome Mod",
"author": "Gerwand of Rivia",
"website" "https://cdprojekt.pl/"
"version": "1.4.3",
"category": "Graphics",
"explicit": false,
"priority": -1
This program was developed and written by the Polish company RapidDev. Other works based on GPL, LGPL, MIT, OpenFont licenses were used to create this software. CD Projekt, Cyberpunk 2077, Arasaka, Militech logos were downloaded from the public resources of CD Projekt S.A. and are owned by this company. Cyberpunk 2077 is a registered trademark of CD Projekt S.A. All logos and names are the property of their rightful authors and are used here only for visualization purposes and to facilitate understanding of the information presented.
Third-party software used to create this tool:
- Cyberpunk & Cyberpunk 2077 created by the CD Projekt S.A & Mike Pondsmith
- C#, WPF & .NET Core by the .NET Foundation and Contributors
- Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Core & Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Shell created by the Microsoft
- C# Object’s Data To An Xml, Json, Or Binary created by the Daniel Schroeder
- 7Zip & LZMA libraries created by the Igor Pavlov
- SevenZipSharp libraries created by the Vadim Markovtsev, Thomas Piart, Joel Ahlgren
- Micon font created by the Mehdi HosseinZade
- Lato font by the Łukasz Dziedzic
- WPF Dark Material Design by RapidDev
Often times, good tools written by good programmers aren't pretty. That's why I, as a bad programmer, chose one of the main goals to make the manager looks nice and only later functional. Therefore, you may encounter a lot of bugs.
The application was written in .NET 5 WPF C♯ technology. It is distributed as self-contained or framework-depend. Therefore, you will find two identical files, one approximately 20MB in weight and one 100MB. Second one has all the libraries inside, thus you don't need to install anything extra.
Previously, the modding community quickly adapted the basic rules for creating mods for The Witcher 3.
So please, if you create mods and want to make things easier for me - and users, follow these tips:
- Name your main archive mod{MyName}-{v.1.0.0}.zip (rembember that source code of ZIP & 7-Zip is freely available, RAR is not)
- If your mod adds a modification, add its folder to the mods folder inside the archive root path. (start folder name with mod{MyName})
- If your mod adds a DLC, add its folder to the dlc folder inside the archive root path. (start folder name with dlc{MyName})
- If your mod adds a bin files, add its files to the bin folder inside the archive root path. (drop files directly into this folder)
- If your mod adds a content files, add its files to the content folder inside the archive root path. (drop files directly into this folder)
A little extra from me, if you want to send additional information to the manager and import all data immediately - add to the root of the archive folder file: modmanager.json
With content as below:
"name": "My Awesome Mod",
"author": "Gerwand of Rivia",
"website" "https://cdprojekt.pl/"
"version": "1.4.3",
"category": "Graphics",
"explicit": false,
"priority": -1
This program was developed and written by the Polish company RapidDev. Other works based on GPL, LGPL, MIT, OpenFont licenses were used to create this software. CD Projekt, Cyberpunk 2077, Arasaka, Militech logos were downloaded from the public resources of CD Projekt S.A. and are owned by this company. Cyberpunk 2077 is a registered trademark of CD Projekt S.A. All logos and names are the property of their rightful authors and are used here only for visualization purposes and to facilitate understanding of the information presented.
Third-party software used to create this tool:
- Cyberpunk & Cyberpunk 2077 created by the CD Projekt S.A & Mike Pondsmith
- C#, WPF & .NET Core by the .NET Foundation and Contributors
- Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Core & Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Shell created by the Microsoft
- C# Object’s Data To An Xml, Json, Or Binary created by the Daniel Schroeder
- 7Zip & LZMA libraries created by the Igor Pavlov
- SevenZipSharp libraries created by the Vadim Markovtsev, Thomas Piart, Joel Ahlgren
- Micon font created by the Mehdi HosseinZade
- Lato font by the Łukasz Dziedzic
- WPF Dark Material Design by RapidDev
Download Latest Version Files
Version: 1.1.7674-betaUpdated: 4 years ago
Total Size: 18.25 MB
direct download
· 18.25 MB
· added 4 years ago
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About Mod
Latest Version | 1.1.7674-beta |
Game | Cyberpunk 2077 |
Category | Tools |
Game Version | 1.06 |
Tags | Modding Tools |
Downloads | 3496 |
Created | 4 years ago |
Last Updated | 4 years ago |
Last Virus Scan |
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Marie Queen (Guest)
Same here

Konrad (Guest)
Keep getting error when trying to run .exe saying I need to install .NET.
Already done it, and still get this same error when trying to open it.