Realistic Brutal Weather v10.9

4 years ago
2/5, 959 votes

Latest Update

latest Version v10.9 · ETS 2 1.53.x 3 days ago
✔ General Climate Tweaks
✔ Added New Or Replace Skies Day & Night
✔ Added New Or Replaced Skies Rain Or Dry Weather
✔ Rework Reflection Water, Rain, Asphalt, Roads, Environment
✔ Improved Rain Intensity
✔ Replaced Alot Of Skies With Higher Resolutions
✔ Tweaks Cloud Shadows
✔ Improved Fog
✔ Fog Tweaks
✔ Improved Rain
✔ Improved Rain Drops in Windshield
✔ Rework Lightning Intensity
✔ Improved Lightning
External Download Links: - Link 1


About Mod

Latest Version v10.9
Game ETS 2
Category Other
Game Version 1.53.x
Downloads 98012
Created 4 years ago
Last Updated 3 days ago


johnn43 (Guest)
5 months ago

whats the load order with jbx3?

derConair (Guest)
8 months ago

Das ist doch totaler Schrott. 

Mr.B (Guest)
1 year ago

all versions of this crashed my game

Sandy (Guest)
2 years ago

This mod keeps getting worst in each version. Why at this point the author didnt tweak the fog at all?? at this rate is making me to start thinking on uninstalling it for good. He doesnt improve night skyboxes, the moon, he also dont pay attention to the weird day/night changes that occur in ATS, so many people already told him that the fog is ridiculous, i mean, i dont mind to have fog one day in a week, lets say, but every frikkin day?????? and that intense? that you cant even drive because you cant even see whats right in front of you?? im so tired of this modder. Hell, ive been playing for a month (game time) and i cant remember to drive and see a CLEAR sunset... ridiculous. He is lucky we dont have any other weather options besides jbx (that is not a mod, just a stupid reshade preset) and png that is a paid mod... if it wasnt the case, nobody, at least smart people wont be using this mod at all.

Tantalus (Guest)
2 years ago

Oh god, after so much time the author of this mod still didnt bother to do a proper moon skybox... COME ON. How lazy someone can be, sigh. AS a graphics mod, and in this game, skyboxes are pretty important, why is this guy not focusing the efforts on fix them? i just dont get it, but people love it lol.

Maddy (Guest)
3 years ago
This guy clearly "borrowed" a lot of stuff from Naturalux, unfortunately he couldn't also copy talent to make this mod good...
ruke One (Guest)
3 years ago
George (Guest)
3 years ago
People still uses this crappy weather mod???? unbelievable... lol. Well, im not surprised, at all, unfortunately.
Realist (Guest)
1 year ago

@Charly And where is your "perfect mod"?

Charly (Guest)
3 years ago
Not to mention, that 1.40 made the game to rely on more hardware requirements. Graphics mods like brutal weather are completely NOT recommended in 1.40. But people love to play with fps drops and whatnot. It has been that way since ages ago. The only thing i like about graphic mods are moon skyboxes. And the moon skybox in this mod is completely hideous. The author didnt bother to fix so many problems since the mod was released ages ago, and he wont because in his words, the mod "is perfect". If people want to support this modder, good for them. But they should buy a brain first for emselves.
3 years ago
@MPL NO weather mods at all. Since 1.39, SCS has significantly improved weather and skyboxes. Whoever uses graphic mods these days is completely clueless. Also, not a single graphic mod, except grimes, probably is worthy. They ALL have skyboxes issues, lightning issues, or other issues. Bad transitions between day/night, not fully compatibility with other map mods like rusmap, roextended, etc. And this one specifically brutal weather is the worst of all, moon skyboxes are horrible, there are constant problems when skyboxes transition from day to night, excessive fog that makes the game unplayable, bad lightning improvements, i could go on all day. But since people is completely brainless, they will keep using this mod even if the gameplay experience is way worst. Well, i guess these are the folks who dont even know about nvidia inspector and they love to play the game with amazing flickering, terrible aliasing and shimmering all over the place lol. Im sure of it.
MPL (Guest)
3 years ago
GEORGE, And which one is better than you have to indicate?
3 years ago
Whith out any orther mods it works
3 years ago
My game is crashing
MPL (Guest)
3 years ago
I agree with Kavakin's comment # 7430 In addition to some pixelated clouds from the almost imperceptible water streams, I think that the water traces of the tires of both our truck and the IA, should last a very long distance, such as the spawning distance of the traffic (where they appear), to get more realism We cannot forget that the NaturaLux mod can do this, so Naturalux is a reference I hope the creator of this mod will improve this too Because Realistic Brutal Weather is a good mod and has everything to become mandatory in the list of mods, but needs improvements and more news Even so, I congratulate the author's dedication You are in the right way
George (Guest)
3 years ago
Mandatory??? oh my. This is a terrible mod. Why people cant see it? because people dont have brains. Period. Please dont tell those jokes, that a terrible graphic mod like this one is mandatory. Even vanilla SCS weatther is way better than this. The problem is fanboys like you cant even realize it. You want a mod that will make your skyboxes to popup from day/night? or a mod with awful moon skyboxes? or a mod that will change the lighting in your truck at certain hours just because? or a mod that makes the driving experience awful because there is an insane amount of fog that the author never bothered to remove? seriously guys. Buy a brain, because you really need it.
Charly (Guest)
3 years ago
Dude wtf you talking about? this weather mod is horrible. Terrible skyboxes, many problems with day/night transitions, weird lightning problems, excessive and unrealistic fog, etc, etc... For god's sake, the vanilla weather is even way better than this. How can you guys dont realize?? this is the WORST weather mod you can ever use. Realistic Graphics, NG or any other are a million times better than this. Morons... lol.
Jebus (Guest)
3 years ago
Espero se haya arreglado el problema de los horarios de atardecer, seguía claro a las 10pm y amanecía a las 3am
N3mes1s (Guest)
3 years ago
No. Eso sigue igual y nunca se va arreglar por que según el creador del mod "esta perfecto como esta". Eso debería decirte todo sobre la persona que ha hecho este mod... y lo mismo con todos los problemas que el autor se niega a reconocer.
3 years ago
Sometimes too heavy load for the system. Stutters and game CTD
George (Guest)
3 years ago
Graphic mods, specially this one are NOT recommended in 1.40. The performance is going to suffer A LOT. Vanilla weather improved a lot since 1.38. Why people still need graphic mods?? guys seriously, wake up.

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